Christine Holland
Hometown: Kersey, PA
Occupation (what you do when you’re not riding): Energy Economist, however taking some time off to bike tour
Number of years racing? 4.5 years
Which disciplines do you race? Mostly road, some cross
Which is you favorite? Stage racing/Road
Why do you race? Having clear intention: training to be competitive, being able to contribute to a success, either a teammates or my own
Favorite/proudest cycling moment: Helping a teammate try to win a series: She didn’t win, but she put herself out there by saying she was going for it (not easy to do!), we had a team plan, and we worked for her. It was very special!
Favorite post race recovery meal? Cheese burger and fries
The best thing about racing my bike is: Training and racing with others with similar desires - feeding off of each others energy!! I love to hear others race goals, particularly when they themselves are stoked about them.